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Event Detail

Saturday Campus Tours

Saturday, March 1, 2025 8:30–11:30 AM
  • Location
    Dorothy & Bill Bizzini Hall Lobby, Demergasso-Bava Hall Lobby, Mary Stuart Rogers Lobby
  • Description
    Event State: Confirmed
    Organization: STUDENT OUTREACH
    Event Contact Phone Number:: 2093033727
    Event Contact Email Address::
    Event Contact Name:: Rocio Luna
    Performer/Speaker/Lecturer?: FALSE
    Attendees - Students: FALSE
    Attendees - Off Campus: TRUE
    Attendees - Alumni: FALSE
    Agenda/Timeline for this Event:: Campus tour check-in: 8:30-9:00am English Tour: 9:00-10:am Spanish Tour: 10:00am-11:00am Advising: 11:00-11:30am
    Attendees - Faculty: FALSE
    Attendees - Staff: FALSE
    Co-Sponsored with Off-Campus Entity?: FALSE
    Hiring Off-Campus Service Provider?: FALSE
    Invite Type: Open Event - RSVP Required
    Expected Headcount: 2
    Attendees - Off Campus (Describe):: Prospective 9th-14th students with their families.
    Custodial Service Requested for Turlock location?: FALSE
    Pay to Reserve a Parking Lot for Attendees (Moratorium)?: FALSE
    Non-Compensated Volunteers Involved?: FALSE
    Alcoholic Beverages Served?: FALSE
    Off-Campus Youth Present?: TRUE
    Soliciting Sponsorships, Donations, Gifts from Businesses for a Fundraiser?: FALSE
    OIT Tech/Media/Network Services Work Order Request Needed?: FALSE
    Dignitary/Elected Official Invited to this Event?: FALSE
    Food/Beverage Served?: FALSE
    Describe the Off-Campus Youth present and how they will be chaperoned:: Students will attend with their parents.
    Event Locator: 2025-ABBPLT
    Moving, Removing, or Adding furniture or equipment, such as pop ups, lighting, speakers, stages, tables, chairs, etc?: FALSE

    Hello, I would like to request that we have MSR open for Saturday Tours. Particularly we need the gate in MSR open so that families can get into MSR 140, and utilize the restrooms if needed.  As part of the Saturday Tour experience, we try to show families inside some of our main buildings. Including, Naraghi, Science I, University Student Center (if possible), Bizzini, Library, and DBH. In the past some of these buildings have been open for us, hopefully that is possible this time as well. Our Saturday Tour dates for the fall, will be on the dates below from 9am-11:30am. We would like to have the building open by 8:30am.

    February: 15

    March: 1 &  22

    April: 12 & 19

    May: 3 and 17


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