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Event Detail

Research Group - Virtual vs. Classroom

Monday, March 3, 2025 3:30–5:00 PM
  • Location
    Dorothy & Bill Bizzini Hall 106
  • Description
    Event State: Confirmed
    Expected Headcount: 7
    Attendees - Students: TRUE
    Attendees - Off Campus: FALSE
    Attendees - Alumni: FALSE
    Attendees - Faculty: TRUE
    Attendees - Staff: FALSE
    Event Contact Phone Number:: 1-715-977-0476
    Event Contact Email Address::
    Event Contact Name:: Vincent Campbell
    Off-Campus Vendors/Orgs Involved:: none
    Agenda/Timeline for this Event:: The researchers will begin setup at 3pm. Participants will be invited into the classroom at 3:30pm. The lesson and group discussion activities should be completed by 4:30pm, and the researchers will clean up until 5pm.
    Invite Type: Closed Event - Invite Extended Privately
    Custodial Service Requested for Turlock location?: FALSE
    Pay to Reserve a Parking Lot for Attendees (Moratorium)?: FALSE
    Event Locator: 2025-ABBPXB
    Moving, Removing, or Adding furniture or equipment, such as pop ups, lighting, speakers, stages, tables, chairs, etc?: FALSE

    This is a closed event, open only to the research advisor, researchers, and select participants.

    Our research group will be conducting an in-person study to test the effects of different group discussion modalities on skill acquisition and engagement. This session is intended to simulate a typical classroom environment, with two researchers acting as the "instructors" at the head of the classroom, and the participants acting as "students", seated at the classroom desks. 

    This study is being conducted under the guidance of faculty advisor Dr. Vincent Campbell. The research group has received approval from the Psychology IRB board.

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