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Event Detail

FMP Day Trip

Saturday, March 1, 2025 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Location
    Parking Lot 6
  • Description
    Event State: Confirmed
    Expected Headcount: 49
    Attendees - Students: TRUE
    Attendees - Alumni: FALSE
    Attendees - Faculty: TRUE
    Attendees - Staff: FALSE
    Attendees - Off Campus: FALSE
    Event Contact Phone Number:: 2096673021
    Event Contact Email Address::
    Event Contact Name:: Jason Pourtaverdi
    Performer/Speaker/Lecturer?: FALSE
    Co-Sponsored with Off-Campus Entity?: FALSE
    Hiring Off-Campus Service Provider?: FALSE
    Agenda/Timeline for this Event:: Check-in: @7:15-7:30 at the entrance to the dorms by parking lot 6 &7 (confirm liability/ emergency contact & allergy) Departing Stan @8:00 am Arriving at California Academy of Science SF around 10:30-11:00 am Depart the Museum @5:00 pm Arrive back at Stan around 7:30-8:00 pm
    Invite Type: Closed Event - Invite Extended Privately
    Physical Activity/Game/Sport?: FALSE
    Amplified Sound/Music/Speaking?: FALSE
    Registration/Entrance Fee?: FALSE
    Non-Compensated Volunteers Involved?: FALSE
    Alcoholic Beverages Served?: FALSE
    Off-Campus Youth Present?: FALSE
    Soliciting Sponsorships, Donations, Gifts from Businesses for a Fundraiser?: FALSE
    OIT Tech/Media/Network Services Work Order Request Needed?: FALSE
    Dignitary/Elected Official Invited to this Event?: FALSE
    Food/Beverage Served?: TRUE
    Pay to Reserve a Parking Lot for Attendees (Moratorium)?: FALSE
    Custodial Service Requested for Turlock location?: FALSE
    Event Locator: 2025-ABBNGN
    Describe the Food/Beverage & Service Type from Chartwells:: Sandwich boxed for lunch
    Moving, Removing, or Adding furniture or equipment, such as pop ups, lighting, speakers, stages, tables, chairs, etc?: FALSE
    Will the Food/Beverage be Fully-Catered (Cooked & Served) by Chartwells?: TRUE
    Will the Food/Beverage be Cooked, Purchased, or Served by another entity/dept/org?: FALSE
    Do you need additional tables for food service? (Please check if the default layout accommodates your needs first): FALSE

    We are anticipating to take 38 students and 12 faculty for a total of 50 guest to the California Academy of Science in San Francisco (55 Music Concourse Dr, San Francisco, CA 94118) on Saturday, March 1st. 


    • Check-in: @7:15-7:30 at the entrance to the dorms by parking lot 6 &7 (confirm liability/ emergency contact & allergy)
    • Departing Stan @8:00 am
    • Arriving at California Academy of Science SF around 10:30-11:00 am
    • Depart the Museum @5:00 pm
    • Arrive back at Stan around 7:30-8:00 pm

    This event aims to provide students and faculty to experience the wonders of life by following our academic year theme of inspiration through exploration of nature's natural beauty. 

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