- LocationStudent Center 204 - Red Conference Room
- DescriptionEvent State: Confirmed
Expected Headcount: 6
Attendees - Students: FALSE
Attendees - Alumni: FALSE
Attendees - Faculty: FALSE
Attendees - Staff: TRUE
Attendees - Off Campus: FALSE
Event Contact Phone Number:: 3661
Event Contact Email Address:: rstephens2@csustan.edu
Event Contact Name:: Rebecca Stephens
Co-Sponsored with Off-Campus Entity?: FALSE
Agenda/Timeline for this Event:: TBD
Invite Type: Closed Event - Invite Extended Privately
Event Setup Requested for the Student Center?: FALSE
Pay to Reserve a Parking Lot for Attendees (Moratorium)?: FALSE
Alcoholic Beverages Served?: FALSE
Off-Campus Youth Present?: FALSE
OIT Tech/Media/Network Services Work Order Request Needed?: FALSE
Dignitary/Elected Official Invited to this Event?: FALSE
Food/Beverage Served?: FALSE
Event Locator: 2025-ABBLXS
Organizer: laguzman@csustan.edu
Event Setup Requested for the Student/Event Center?: FALSECareer Team weekly meeting
More from Non Academic Events
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- Mar 411:00 AMStamp MakingEvent State: Confirmed Organization: ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Expected Headcount: 8 Registration/More Info Link:: https://cglink.me/2nr/r2255613 Attendees - Students: TRUE Attendees - Alumni: FALSE Attendees - Faculty: TRUE Attendees - Staff: TRUE Attendees - Off Campus: FALSE Event Contact Phone Number:: (209) 667-3299 Event Contact Email Address:: mparga1@csustan.edu Event Contact Name:: Melissa Parga Image ALT Text for Accessibility:: Stamp Making Workshop Performer/Speaker/Lecturer?: FALSE Co-Sponsored with Off-Campus Entity?: FALSE Hiring Off-Campus Service Provider?: FALSE Agenda/Timeline for this Event:: 03/04 Event Begins: 11 am Event Ends: 12:30 pm 04/07 Event Begins: 10:30 am Event Ends: 12 pm Invite Type: Open Event - RSVP Required Physical Activity/Game/Sport?: FALSE Amplified Sound/Music/Speaking?: FALSE Registration/Entrance Fee?: FALSE Non-Compensated Volunteers Involved?: FALSE Alcoholic Beverages Served?: FALSE Off-Campus Youth Present?: FALSE Soliciting Sponsorships, Donations, Gifts from Businesses for a Fundraiser?: FALSE OIT Tech/Media/Network Services Work Order Request Needed?: FALSE Dignitary/Elected Official Invited to this Event?: FALSE Food/Beverage Served?: FALSE Pay to Reserve a Parking Lot for Attendees (Moratorium)?: FALSE Custodial Service Requested for Turlock location?: FALSE Event Locator: 2025-ABBPKN Organizer: 25live@csustan.edu Moving, Removing, or Adding furniture or equipment, such as pop ups, lighting, speakers, stages, tables, chairs, etc?: FALSE Hey Warriors, come to the Warrior Fab Lab and learn how to make your own custom stamps! Students will be taught how to prepare a design in Adobe Illustrator, and see it laser cut in real time! All materials provided. Hope to see you there!
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